Sunday, May 2, 2010


Tomorrow morning is going to be crazy, I should be getting ready for bed instead of watching the news and blogging. :) I worked Friday and Saturday nights, so the kids were all up late both nights, and we went to Grammy's for dinner (I just love Sunday dinners with the in-laws!) so the kids were up late again tonight. errr the kids don't sleep well when they are up late, especially Bronco, therefore they don't wake up on time, and the morning turns into a long fight. This is a TERRIBLE way to start the week! Anyway, I've got to try to get River and Talon to walk to school. Talon hates the cold weather, and I have a hard time convincing him to walk, I usually have to drive him if its cold. Which is ridiculous really, since the school is only a couple blocks away. Anyway, I've got another doctors appointment for Canyon in the morning, so I will have to leave here at 8:30 and hopefully get to West Jordan by rush hour traffic. OOOHHH, the light bulb just turned on above my head!! LOL I will just give River a couple dollars and then I can drop them off early, and they can eat breakfast at school. :) Yup, I'm brilliant. :)

OK, done whining, on to the house! They accepted our bid, and Rob saw it for the first time on Saturday morning!! Can I tell you, I was soo nervous. I choose the house, and he trusted me enough to put in an offer, site-unseen! Its really...humbling actually to realize how much he trusts me. I know, I know, that is what a marriage is, and I've always chosen our apartments, but a home is just so huge! Its on a level all its own. Anyway, back to Rob lol he really liked it, we will have to redo the basement, and the back yard needs some serious help, but its nothing out of our capabilities. (As long as we can figure out how to get a bobcat into the backyard...) LOL anyway, the yard doesn't scare me, I have to see if Dad has any field fencing, 10ish feet, to temporarily fence off the river. But, all we can totally move in the way the basement is set up now, I just don't really like it lol. The inspector, and the appraiser are coming out this week, I know of a couple things the inspector will find, and the realitor says that he is sure the appraiser with appraise for a higher amount then what we are paying. (That would be nice in this economy!)

I'm off to bed, after I get Canyon into school tomorrow I'll tell you how Rob cooked the roast today. (I married one of the best cooks!) We don't know how much of the ingredients he put in, he, like me, just added until it looked, smelled, and tasted right. :)

Remember to make your plates colorful!

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